Hello to Farewell.

Farewell Eggplant Parmesan
This will probably be the shortest post that I have ever written. I will get straight to the point: Farewell is my new favorite restaurant and may be the reason I eventually become a vegan (just kidding, but…). The menu is full of amazing comfort food in a casual but somewhat contemporary setting and makes you totally forget about the dairy life. Lunch today, for instance, included eggplant “parmesan” for yours truly and I left the restaurant feeling well… bloat free… TMI (*too much information, but…). Unbelievable and it tasted exactly like the “real thing”.

Farewell Burrata
Besides the eggplant “parm”, the burrata is my fav-or-ite. The texture and creamy interior do not deviate from the original idea of burrata. I almost forgot that it is not actually dairy based rather cashews and almonds make up the dish. After constant talks with myself about eating this quantity of food alone, I decided the burrata is best reserved for nights where I am sharing my appetizer. Seriously, I could take it down by my lonesome.
Quick and to the point: if you have not been to Farewell, you should visit. The service is meh so far, which speaks volumes for the food. It is so good, I have no problem ignoring my annoyed waiter if it means I am one step closer to that burrata or whatever other comfort foods Farewell adds to their repertoire.
Category: restaurant reviews, Reviews, vegetarian, Washington D.C.