World Tour: Claim your experiences

[ 0 ] September 23, 2011 |

Image via HTI

I’m all about claiming the great things that I want to experience in the future, whether it be major accomplishments like reaching a certain level in my career or smaller things like dropping 5 pounds within a month’s time. I finally recreated my vision board last night and the passport overflowing with stamps that I added made me realize that I need to take the Travel/Cuisine wish list that I’ve been keeping, and turn it into a plan of action. I think it’s high time that I map out my journey to the different tastes, smells, sounds, sights and tongues that the world has to offer, and anticipate that journey instead of just wishing for it.

 If there’s a place you want to go and cultures you want to experience, then imagine yourself doing it. I’m going to let my United Airlines points build up (after all, I want my money to be dedicated to delectable food and exploration and not to an overpriced flight) and plan for my taste buds and eyes to be dazzled  by all that the world has to offer – I may make a vision board solely for my taste buds!  If there’s somewhere you want to go, even if it’s a pricey restaurant that your budget does not usually allow, don’t say “If I ever get to go” or “I want to go,” instead say “When I go” or “I am going.” Start claiming your experiences now!

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Category: World Tour

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