Five Ways To Pay For Minimal Catering Costs

[ 0 ] December 10, 2018 |

Food and the dining experience are essential aspects of any event. Many hosts prefer availing of catering services rather than preparing the food themselves because it saves time, the menu is versatile, and there are servers to take care of the guests’ needs, among other things. However, catering can take a big chunk from your budget. Here are five ways to pay for minimal catering costs.

  1. Know your budget

You want your event to be successful and memorable, but you also want to save where you can. Knowing your budget will ensure that you find means to make things work according to that amount. Once you have the overall budget for the event and you decide that you’re going to feed your guests, determine the budget you’re willing to spend on catering. Some questions to guide you are:

  • How many people are coming over?
  • Are you serving breakfast, lunch, snacks, or dinner?
  • Are you considering cocktails or a bar?
  1. Get the right caterer

Getting the right caterer will not only save you money, time, and effort, but it’ll also spare you from frustration. This is important because the best caterers not only provide good food but offer excellent service to your guests as well. Aside from a unique and unforgettable venue, your caterer can influence how your guests feel about your event as a whole. Some ways to find the right caterer are:

  • Ask from your family, friends, and network. The best form of advertising is always word of mouth. If people close to you recommend a caterer they’ve had a great experience with, then you can research the business further.
  • Read reviews and recommendations from their website, social media platforms, and other sites. It’s important to get unbiased reviews, so it’s a good idea to look at several platforms as resources.
  • Compare caterers in your area. Look for the best ones and then send in inquiries, asking what they can offer given your budget and type of event.
  1. Create an RSVP

When you’re sending out invitations, it’s always best to include an RSVP because this will help you determine several things for your event. The setup of the venue, amount of food, and the number of souvenirs can heavily rely on the number of guests that are coming, so knowing the precise number will significantly save you money and avoid any lack. Here are some RSVP tips:

  • Give out your invitations ahead of time. Depending on the occasion, the timeframes can vary. Wedding invitations are usually sent six weeks in advance.
  • Make sure that the RSVP date is clearly visible on the invitation, and include the ways on how they can respond for their attendance.
  • If it’s three weeks to the event and you haven’t received confirmation from several guests, politely do a follow-up. Guests will perfectly understand why you need to know your numbers.
  1. Decide between buffet and plated meals

Being able to determine if you prefer a buffet or plated meals can also save you money because you are in control of what is important to you and your guests. Both options definitely have pros and cons:

  • Efficiency – Serving plated meals mean that your guests will remain seated and wait for food to be served on their tables. On the other hand, a buffet will require guests to queue, and if there are more than 100 guests, it may take some time before everyone can eat. Lining up for a buffet may also not be convenient for guests who are formally dressed.
  • Costs – Plated meals can cost more because of hiring additional wait staff to ensure efficient service. Buffet meals can cost more because of food choices or second or third plates for guests.
  • Cost cuts – Plated meals can be controlled in terms of portion size, while buffet can save you money on the wait staff.
  • Other cons – Plated meals can be a challenge if your guests have allergies or preferences, and if your event requires a food presentation, then it can cost more. Buffet meals can cause long lines, which can make an event less formal, and lesser control on portion size can leave lesser food for other guests.
  1. Limit your number of courses

Limiting your menu will save you a lot of money. While you may want to offer a variety for your guests, there are ways to stick to two to three courses but still satisfy your guests. Consider these tips:

  • If your event is a wedding, set up a separate salad and serve the wedding cake for dessert. Having salad is excellent for vegetarian friends, and you really don’t need other desserts besides your wedding cake.
  • Choose chicken as the protein option because it’s less expensive.
  • Don’t hesitate to veto your caterer’s suggestions for expensive additional courses.

You don’t have to break the bank for catering. Use the tips above so that you’ll stress less on your catering costs and have more fun planning other aspects that need your attention.


Category: Food.Fun.Stuff.

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