World Tour: Cuisine/Travel Wishlist. First stop. Brazil.

[ 0 ] September 10, 2010 |

I decided to make a list of all the places that I want to visit.  First on my list- Brazil.  Not only are the people beautiful, the culture complex and the location perfect, but each of these aspects are mirrored by the country’s multifaceted cuisine.

Brazil’s detailed history make for an interesting combination of cooking styles, ingredients and recipes that vary by region.  Native populations, Africans, the Portuguese, along with Italians, Germans and other groups who immigrated  to Brazil brought with them the traditions of their native lands.  Hundreds of years later, those varying cultures and traditions are still evident- especially in the food.

I’ve done some research (and some searches for a cheap flight) to determine which of Brazil’s regional cuisines holds the most interest for me.  The Northeast appears the most appealing, with dishes evolving from African, Indian and Portuguese cultures.  I found that many popular dishes in this region consist of seafood and I am a HUGE fan of seafood- especially seafood with an exotic flare!  While the South, Southeast, Central-West and the North all offer interesting cuisine as well, I’m not sure that I’ll have enough United Airlines points to hop from place to place.  Until those points build up, I’ll set my sights on the Northeast and continue to read up on other regions and let my imagination take care of the rest.

Category: Food.Fun.Stuff., World Tour

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