Category: World Tour

World Tour: Don’t let summer pass you by!
[ 0 ] August 19, 2011 |

World Tour: Don’t let summer pass you by!

Time is flying past, and the last days of summer are approaching – HUGE 🙁  I encourage you all to get out and taste all the flavors that the summer still has to offer.  Cash in those United Airlines points and catch the first flight out! To where, you ask?  To wherever your taste buds […]

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World Tour: I’m going to Jamaica!
[ 1 ] August 12, 2011 |

World Tour: I’m going to Jamaica!

So, not only is August Johnna’s birthday month, it’s mine as well!  This year, I received one of the best gifts I have yet to receive in my young 23 years – a 5-day, 4-night stay in Negril, Jamaica!  My lodging arrangements are all taken care of, and all I have to do is find […]

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World Tour: Polo In My Backyard
[ 0 ] August 5, 2011 |

World Tour: Polo In My Backyard

Located deep in the rich mountains of Kolkata in West Bengal is the Calcutta Polo Club.  The Calcutta Polo Club only came across my path when I decided to attend a local polo competition and wanted to know the origins of the game.  The Calcutta Polo Club is the oldest polo club in the world […]

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World Tour: “All this Paella!”
[ 0 ] July 29, 2011 |

World Tour: “All this Paella!”

Who would have thought that my inspiration for a post would come from Seinfeld?  After all, it is a show about nothing.  However, after one particular episode in which George and his parents rave on and on about a huge pot of ‘payaya’ that Jerry’s parents refuse to go over to enjoy, I became curious. […]

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World Tour: Japan in Greensboro
[ 0 ] July 26, 2011 |

World Tour: Japan in Greensboro

I’ve never really considered purchasing an airline ticket and traveling to Asia; however, after my trip to Greensboro’s Japanese-hotspot Arigato, I must admit that my interest has been sparked.  After a five-course meal full of bold, flavorful selections and an impressive performance from the chef, I would love to experience Japanese cuisine from the heart […]

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