Understanding the Different Types of Anxiety Disorders

[ 0 ] March 30, 2023 |


Anxiety is a relatively normal part of human life. 

And many people suffer from it to a certain degree. 

If you’ve ever spent any time as a human on planet Earth (and assuming that you’re reading this, you probably have), then you’ve probably spent at least a little bit of time worrying about money, your health, your relationships, major life decisions, your future, etc. 

With that being said, a little bit of worrying doesn’t necessarily classify as an anxiety disorder

But for some people, everyday worries are not the only ‘anxieties’ that they deal with. 

For some people, anxiety is a much more complicated affair that consists of one or more different anxiety disorders. 

People who suffer from anxiety disorders tend to suffer more ‘worrying’ than we would classify as the ‘normal amount.’ 

Instead, they suffer from intense, excessive, persistent worrying and fear about everyday situations that truly go above and beyond normal levels. 

As such, these worries and fears can become extremely problematic, and can even interfere with the day-to-day affairs of a person’s life. 

In this blog post, you’re going to learn about 4 of the most common different types of anxiety disorders. 

Here’s what you need to know. 

1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder is a type of anxiety that involves a persistent feeling of anxiety or dread. 

This type of anxiety disorder is a level above the occasional worry or fear. 

People who live with generalized anxiety disorder can have extreme symptoms, which can include restlessness, fatigue, irritability, headaches, stomach aches, lack of ability to concentrate, sleep problems, etc. 

2. Panic Disorder

Have you ever had a panic attack?

Have you ever known anyone who’s suffered from panic attacks on a regular basis?

In times of great stress and anxiety, nearly anyone can suffer from the occasional panic attack. 

But that’s different from suffering from a full-blown panic disorder. 

People who suffer from panic disorder tend to have frequent and unexpected panic attacks. 

These attacks may present as sudden periods of intense discomfort, fear, the sense of losing control, and even a sense of impending doom—regardless of whether or not there’s even a reason to feel that way. 

During a panic attack, the suffering individual may experience symptoms like a racing heart, sweating, trembling, chest pain, feelings of impending doom, and feelings of being out of control. 

3. Social Anxiety Disorder

People who suffer from social anxiety disorder tend to have an intense and persistent fear of being judged and watched by others. 

For people suffering from this anxiety disorder, spending time in social situations may provoke such extreme anxiety that it makes it nearly impossible for them to socialize in a healthy and productive manner. 

People with a social anxiety disorder may experience symptoms like blushing, sweating, trembling, a racing heart, stomach aches, rigid posture, and difficulty making eye contact when socializing with others. 

(Note that nowadays, more and more people are treating their social anxiety disorders with cannabis—which tends to work rather well, especially since it’s becoming legal in more and more states.)

4. Phobia-Related Disorders

Phobia-related anxiety disorders are specific types of anxiety that are pointed at certain objects or situations. 

For example, people may experience a fear of flying, a fear of heights, a fear of certain types of animals, bugs, or critters, or even a fear of needles (which can make it difficult to get blood drawn or receive injections), etc. 

People with a phobia-related disorder will tend to experience intense fear, anxiety, discomfort, and sometimes even terror when exposed to the object of their phobia. 


There you have it. 

A brief overview of some of the most common types of anxiety disorders. 

Understanding these different types of disorders can really help you to understand what people are going through when they suffer from clinical anxiety. 

It’s not a pleasant thing. 

If you’ve realized that you suffer from one or more of these disorders, you may want to seek help and treatment for the symptoms. 

It’s important for someone with clinical anxiety to seek treatment for their disorder because anxiety can significantly impair their ability to function in their daily life and can lead to a range of negative outcomes if left untreated, such as decreased quality of life, increased risk of developing other mental health disorders, and difficulties in personal and professional relationships.

Category: Food.Fun.Stuff.

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